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Athenian black figure ”Panathenaic” Amphora.


Athenian black figure ”Panathenaic” Amphora vase.

Athenian black figure ”Panathenaic” Amphora vase.

Side A:  Athena “Promachos” is depicted

Side B: A chariot ride with crowds.

Panathenaic amphora of the Zografos of Cleofradis.

Circa  500-480 BC. British Museum


The elaborate Greek amphorae were a prize in the Panathenaic Games (Athenian Athletes’ Athletes’ Athletes) and were offered to the winners filled with pure Attic olive oil, having on one side painted with exceptional art the Promachos Athena and on the other side the event in which the winner had distinguished himself!

The Games were held during the first days of the Panathenaic Games, which lasted eight days and ended with the great procession to the Acropolis and the Parthenon.

Weight 1.07 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 28 cm
Zografos of Cleofradis.

Attributed to the Zografos of Cleofradis.


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